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An Overview of the G2P Payments Sector in Pakistan

Pakistan is becoming a laboratory for G2P payment innovations. This report by CGAP discusses the G2P payments sector in Pakistan and demonstrates how social transfers can help bring poor people into the formal financial system.

Interoperability and the Pathways Towards Inclusive Retail Payments in Pakistan

Interoperability of retail payment instruments is not an objective in its own right; rather it is a means of achieving other desirable objectives.

Branchless Banking in Pakistan: A Laboratory for Innovation

This Brief highlights key challenges and opportunities that are likely to shape the branchless banking market in Pakistan in the near term.

Regulation of Branchless Banking in Pakistan

This update of CGAP’s 2007 “Notes on Regulation of Branchless Banking in Pakistan" incorporates research conducted by the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) in February 2010.

Growth and Vulnerabilities in Microfinance

This Focus Note distills lessons from four microfinance markets: Nicaragua, Morocco, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), and Pakistan. These countries have all experienced a microfinance repayment crisis after a period of high growth and are important microfinance markets in their respective regions.