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Reading Deck

Social Media Monitoring to Assess Consumer Risks in Digital Credit Apps: Guidance for Supervisors from an India Pilot

To better understand the digital consumer credit and the risks they pose for customers, this reading deck contains supervisory guidance on the use of a branch of AI, Natural Language Processing (NLP), for social media monitoring. It is based on insights and lessons from an India pilot and provides examples of social media analyses carried out as part of that pilot.

Young Women and Financial Services: Maximizing Impact

Research has shown that marginalized young women can benefit from financial services in both economic and non-economic ways. But with over half a billion women aged 15-24 in the world, the life stages, needs, and contexts of this population are tremendously diverse. Among which segments of young women could investments in improved financial services make the most impact? This infographic highlights findings from a recent CGAP segmentation exercise.
Reading Deck

Financial Solutions for Women in Rural and Agricultural Livelihoods

This deck synthesizes CGAP research and insights on the constraints faced by women in rural and agricultural livelihoods (WIRAL) and the opportunities for service providers and funders to add value to their lives and livelihoods.
COVID-19 Briefing

Relief for Informal Workers: Falling through the Cracks in COVID-19

Informal workers are not recognized by social protection agencies and do not have the protections offered by formal sector employment, yet they make up a majority of the workforce. Many have lost income-generating opportunities due to the COVID-19 pandemic—and providing relief for these individuals is critical.
COVID-19 Briefing

COVID-19 and Disruptions to Vulnerable Rural Livelihoods in the Sahel

The livelihoods of vulnerable rural households in fragile environments such as Niger and the wider Sahel have been strongly affected by the unprecedented circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. A holistic, coordinated approach by stakeholders can help create solutions that make it possible for vulnerable rural households to escape the recurring cycle of emergency food aid and greatly enhance their resilience to future shocks.

Smallholder Households: Distinct Segments, Different Needs (Infographic)

This infographic showcases the three segments of smallholder households that financial service providers, government bodies, and agricultural development partners should distinguish between when designing and delivering high-value services.

Smallholder Households: Distinct Segments, Different Needs

CGAP research identifies three segments of smallholder households and uses data from nationally representative surveys of smallholder households to outline recommendations on high-value financial solutions.

Infographic: High-Saving Youth in Smallholder Households

High-saving youth in smallholder households tend to have strong savings habits and own mobile phones, and should be an important target group for financial services providers with digitally-enabled solutions.

High-Saving Youth in Smallholder Households: An Untapped Market

Financial service providers can leverage the strong savings habits of youth in smallholder families and their access to mobile phones to develop digital products that better meet their needs and aspirations.

Executive Summary – CGAP National Surveys of Smallholder Households

Each short section in this summary complements CGAP data and insights for each country and addresses what the data tells us and what this means for FSPs and others.