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Microfinance and Mobile Banking: Blurring the Lines?

This paper addresses options MFIs have to leverage m-banking; experiences of MFIs that have served as agents for m-banking ; benefits for MFIs and their customers; why some MFIs hold off on m-banking; and new innovative microfinance business models.

Lessons Learned from the Moroccan Crisis

This Brief outlines lessons learned from the rise, fall, and ongoing recovery of the Moroccan microcredit sector that may be useful when adapted in other countries in similar situations.

A Microcredit Crisis Averted: The Case of Bangladesh

After years of strong growth, the microfinance industry in Bangladesh was on the verge of a sharp change in direction, when the big 4 MFIs began to cut back on branches and staff in 2008.

Microcredit Interest Rates and Their Determinants: 2004–2011

This paper provides updated information on microcredit market developments for 2004 through 2011.

Where Do Impact Investing and Microfinance Meet?

This Brief presents the results of CGAP research on impact investing and how it relates to the MSME investment space.

Interoperability in Electronic Payments: Lessons and Opportunities

This report looks at the question of interoperability in payments systems in general, and attempts to derive reasons for the successes and failures of interoperability in the past.

Trends in Sharia-Compliant Financial Inclusion

With an estimated 650 million Muslims living on less than $2 a day, finding sustainable Islamic models could help provide financial access to millions of Muslim poor who strive to avoid financial products that do not comply with Sharia.

The Power of Social Networks to Drive Mobile Money Adoption

The rate of mobile money (MM) adoption among poor people remains low. However, the mechanisms driving adoption are similar to those of other segments. This analysis revealed that social networks and social interactions influence mobile money uptake.

Incentives for the Introduction of Agents in Colombia

In August 2006, 309 out of 1,100 municipalities in Colombia did not have the presence of a bank. Today 99% of all municipalities have access to financial services thanks to increased coverage by agents. Incentives offered by Banca de las Oportunidades were essential in expanding this access.