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Views on Customer Empowerment: Findings from India

As part of the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor’s (CGAP’s) work on customer empowerment, a series of consultations with financial services customers is being undertaken to try to understand the customer perspective on “customer empowerment.

From Cash to Digital Transfers in India: The Story So Far

This Brief addresses the key elements of digitizing cash transfers, which can also enable financial inclusion in a way that it leads to account use, not just account opening.

bKash Bangladesh: A Fast Start for Mobile Financial Services

bKash launched in the second half of 2011, grew to 2 million accounts by the end of 2012, and shot up to 11 million registered accounts by the end of 2013.

Observations and Lessons for the I‐SIP Methodology from Pakistan

Pakistan is the second country selected for an I-SIP rapid research exercise. The main objectives of the research were to develop and refine the I-SIP Methodology, raise awareness of I-SIP linkages, and help Pakistani policy makers adopt the I-SIP Methodology.

The Journey to Customer-Centricity

To develop a deeper and organizational level of understanding customers, a cross-functional team at Janalakshmi, a microfinance institution in India serving over a million customers in urban areas, applied a design thinking process facilitated by innovation consultants.This brochure describes the process and the tool used to create customer profiles.

A Microcredit Crisis Averted: The Case of Bangladesh

After years of strong growth, the microfinance industry in Bangladesh was on the verge of a sharp change in direction, when the big 4 MFIs began to cut back on branches and staff in 2008.

Household Interviews in Bangladesh, 2013

As part of research for the CGAP Focus Note "A Microcredit Crisis Averted: The Case of Bangladesh," by Greg Chen and Stuart Rutherford, Rutherford and S. K. Sinha interviewed 43 low-income rural Bangladeshi households.

An Overview of the G2P Payments Sector in Pakistan

Pakistan is becoming a laboratory for G2P payment innovations. This report by CGAP discusses the G2P payments sector in Pakistan and demonstrates how social transfers can help bring poor people into the formal financial system.

Interoperability and the Pathways Towards Inclusive Retail Payments in Pakistan

Interoperability of retail payment instruments is not an objective in its own right; rather it is a means of achieving other desirable objectives.

The Pursuit of Complete Financial Inclusion: The KGFS Model in India

This paper explores the KGFS model as it is applied in various parts of India.