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The Emerging Global Landscape of Mobile Microinsurance

This Brief describes CGAP’s initial supply-side scan of the emerging trend of mobile microinsurance. It analyzes the different provider models and explores the role played by mobile channels to date, with a view to providing an initial basis for understanding these developments

International Financial Inclusion Funding: 2012 Visual

In 2012, at least $29 billion was committed by international funders to advance more inclusive financial systems in developing countries.

Bitcoin vs. Electronic Money

Aside from both being digital in format, there are few similarities between Bitcoin and e-money.

Managing Failing Deposit-Taking Institutions

To address the situation of failing deposit-taking MFIs, supervisory authorities have relied on temporary government administration (TGA), one of several supervisory tools.

Trends in International Funding for Financial Inclusion in 2012

International funders have been adapting their priorities to meet this broader vision of financial inclusion, as reflected in the 2012 CGAP Funder Survey. This Brief analyzes trends in the international funding landscape for financial inclusion.

Designing Customer-Centric Branchless Banking Offerings

This Brief explores how human-centered design (HCD) could be applied to branchless banking and its unique challenges.

Making Recourse Work for Base-of-the-Pyramid Financial Consumers

This Focus Note explores innovative ways for policy makers and providers to raise awareness and improve accessibility of recourse mechanisms, tailor recourse to suit new products and delivery channels, and proactively use recourse data to address systematic problems in BoP markets.

EIF SmartAid Report 2013

The European Investment Fund (EIF) received 70 out of 100 points in the SmartAid Index, meaning that overall it has "good" systems in place to support microfinance.

IFAD SmartAid Report 2013

The SmartAid Index measures and rates the way funders with an interest in financial inclusion work. In 2013, IFAD received 61 out of 100 points, meaning that overall it has “good” systems in place to support microfinance.