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This guide introduces microfinance institutions to securitization as a potential source of financing.

Negotiating an Equity Capital Infusion from Outside Investors

The purpose of this guide is to familiarize microfinance institutions with some of the issues that are commonly addressed in the negotiation of an equity capital infusion from outside investors.

Provisions of Standard Commercial Guarantee Agreements

Loan guarantees can help borrowing microfinance institutions obtain loans that otherwise are unavailable to them.

Microfinance Investors Adjust Strategy in Tougher Market Conditions

Microfinance Investment Vehicles in 2010 are confronting the most challenging investment environment since the 1990s.

Protecting Branchless Banking Consumers

Transformational branchless banking heightens the consumer-related concerns of regulators and supervisors because it combines the use of agents and technology-enabled devices to serve large numbers of less educated and inexperienced customers.

Branchless Banking 2010: Who’s Served? At What Price? What’s Next?

Many in the private sector believe reaching large numbers of mass market clients is a precondition to large-scale profits, but at the same time, they are uncertain about how quickly branchless banking will gain traction with the unbanked, low-income clients who make up the mass market.

Indian Microfinance Goes Public: The SKS Initial Public Offering

On 28 July 2010 SKS, India’s largest microfinance institution (MFI) with 5.8 million clients, became the first MFI in India to float its shares through an initial public offering (IPO).

Is There a Business Case for Small Savers?

This study examines quantitatively whether or not small savers contribute to or undermine the sustainability of the MFI.

Financial Access 2010

Financial Access 2010 is the second in the series of annual reports by CGAP and the World Bank Group to monitor statistics for financial access in the world and inform policy debate.

Microfinance Investment Vehicles Disclosure Guidelines

The purpose of this publication is to establish clear guidelines for MIVs reporting to investors. The recommended disclosures include key information on MIVs’ profiles.