
The Funding Explorer is a set of highly interactive analytical dashboards. This tool uses data from the CGAP Funder Survey complemented by publicly available contextual indicators

This technical note helps funders to understand the concept of interoperability, how instant payments systems can advance financial inclusion, and what funders can do to support their development.

Donors and DFIs are looking for ways to leverage the potential of data to achieve financial inclusion impact. Yet, evidence shows that the availability and quality of data doesn’t automatically translate to impact.

CGAP recommends the use of 7 steps to articulate a theory of change and design successful data initiatives.
COVID-19 Briefing

Countries worldwide are using social assistance payments as a component of their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This briefing addresses how donors and their partners can design and implement social assistance payments that are efficient and secure while providing recipients with reliable, convenient, and safe access to their payments.

The Office for Gender Equality and Poverty Reduction Unit at JICA has found there is a gap between understanding the importance of financial inclusion in principle and knowing how to integrate it in one’s sector. To solve this, they are embedding financial inclusion within the agency through hybrid demonstration projects.

USAID’s digital financial services (DFS) practice provides support to its country offices to integrate DFS into their program portfolios and strategies. How can this small technical team at headquarters influence a large, decentralized organization to prioritize DFS?