Working Paper

The report shows how the microfinance industry in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2008 continued to grow though at a diminished rate.
Working Paper

Most banks in Peru have tended to use banking agents fundamentally to shift low-value transactions away from the more costly branch channel and to extend the reach of their existing branches.
Working Paper

As part of its Global Policy Initiative, CGAP partnered with the Central Bank of Brazil in late 2008, to learn more about the issues and trends in consumer relations when financial services are delivered through branchless banking. This report highlights some of our findings.
Working Paper

CGAP partnered with the Superintendence of Banks, Insurance and AFPs of Peru in late 2008, with the purpose of enhancing the understanding of the issues and trends in consumer relations when financial services are delivered through branchless banking, particularly through agents, which are used in ever increasing scale in Peru.
Focus Note

The CrediAmigo microfinance program mounted by Brazil’s Banco do Nordeste (BN) shows how an international financial institution like the World Bank can be a useful catalyst in the development of microfinance retail capacity.
Working Paper

This report summarizes the findings of research conducted in Brazil on the business case for shifting Bolsa Família payments to a bank account-based (financially inclusive) payment scheme, from the standpoint of the payer bank, the recipients, and the program itself.
Working Paper

This report summarizes the findings of research conducted in Colombia on the business case for shifting Familias payments to a financially inclusive scheme linked to bank accounts, from the standpoint of BA, the recipients, and the program itself.