Zoona & Socremo

The target audience is low-income heads of households such as tradesmen and farmers. The product will have the ability to store money, send money, save money, buy airtime, pay bills, access credit, and act as a bank card. All of these services will be available on mobile phone using USSD, once an individual has been registered by an agent. By using simple solutions such as USSD, they are providing a lower barrier to entry, thereby making the fintech market more inclusive.
Admission Date
Mike Quinn

Ekutiva (Quick-e-Pay)

Its solution aims to change the local financial market by increasing digitalisation of transactions in local currency. The Ekuvita team hopes that Quick-e-Pay ​can improve financial inclusion by leveraging free online payments for goods and services, integrating e-finance into the Mozambican ecosystem, and opening up e-finance opportunities for all. It envisages a local farmer using the platform to sell vegetables to a nearby city supermarket or a food delivery company that can offer food online with payment confirmation.
Admission Date

Almoayed Technologies, Tarabut Gateway

Provides connectivity for Bahraini banks to assist their customers in accessing account information across different banks on a single platform, in accordance with the CBB open banking regulations. Integrated with 11 banks at time of graduation from sandbox. Open banking compliance deadline of June 30, 2019 Subsidiary of larger diversified holding company, Almoayed Technologies Partnership with smart banking platform Movencorp announced on January 23, 2019.

Accelerated Drawdowns Fin Islamic (ADFI)

Platform that provides a fully-digitised process for invoices, early payments, and management between large corporations and their small business suppliers. Functions that will be offered include digitised invoice management, data analytics, strategic MIS, international trade purchase orders and competitive bidding.
Admission Date


Open payments API that allows third-party developers to connect to banks and mobile money networks. The founder team recognized the need for interoperability when they tried to create mobile payments solutions for first responders a during the 2014-2015 Ebola crisis.
Admission Date
Saltan Massally