Alice Nègre

Senior Financial Sector Specialist

Alice Negre works on CGAP’s guidance for financial inclusion funders. In recent years, Alice has focused on promoting a systemic approach to financial inclusion by adapting generic guidelines and training material to the financial industry. She recently helped author A Systemic Approach to Financial Inclusion, an eLearning Course for Funders which learners can sign up for.

In her 19 years working in financial inclusion, Alice has launched and managed a microfinance rating agency, advised governments, sat on the board of microfinance institutions and advised SME banks, supervised demand side surveys, and facilitated market-wide consultations. She has also evaluated the financial inclusion operations of various development agencies and trained and supported their staff. She authored case studies, technical toolkits, research papers on financial inclusion topics, related to market facilitation and aid effectiveness.

Alice graduated from ESCP, Paris. She lives in London and speaks French.

By Alice Nègre


How Can Funders Promote Interoperable Payments?

Interoperability can make digital payments more convenient and useful for low-income customers. Find out how funders can support the development of interoperable payments systems.

Interoperability and Digital Finance: Emerging Guidance for Funders

This technical note helps funders to understand the concept of interoperability, how instant payments systems can advance financial inclusion, and what funders can do to support their development.

How Can Funders Avoid Chasing Data as the Latest Shiny Object?

How can the financial inclusion community get more out of data to achieve sustainable impact? Here are four recommendations.

Designing Data Initiatives to Advance Financial Inclusion

Donors and DFIs are looking for ways to leverage the potential of data to achieve financial inclusion impact. Yet, evidence shows that the availability and quality of data doesn’t automatically translate to impact.

Should Funders Support Switches for Mobile Payment Interoperability?

Mobile payment switches aren’t the only path to interoperable financial systems – and they aren’t always the best path. Here are three questions funders should ask before they commit to building a switch.