Alice Nègre

Senior Financial Sector Specialist

Alice Negre works on CGAP’s guidance for financial inclusion funders. In recent years, Alice has focused on promoting a systemic approach to financial inclusion by adapting generic guidelines and training material to the financial industry. She recently helped author A Systemic Approach to Financial Inclusion, an eLearning Course for Funders which learners can sign up for.

In her 19 years working in financial inclusion, Alice has launched and managed a microfinance rating agency, advised governments, sat on the board of microfinance institutions and advised SME banks, supervised demand side surveys, and facilitated market-wide consultations. She has also evaluated the financial inclusion operations of various development agencies and trained and supported their staff. She authored case studies, technical toolkits, research papers on financial inclusion topics, related to market facilitation and aid effectiveness.

Alice graduated from ESCP, Paris. She lives in London and speaks French.

By Alice Nègre


Market Facilitation to Advance Financial Inclusion

The paper reviews how USAID, through two programs and in partnership with a series of market actors, helped change the microfinance market dynamics in the Philippines—from a specialized activity with limited outreach and highly dependent on subsidized credit, to a more inclusive and robust market-driven segment of the financial sector.

Financial Inclusion Opportunities and Challenges in Tunisia

Financial inclusion is becoming a priority in Tunisia, and the Ministry of Finance aims at modernizing the entire financial sector by 2020. There are many opportunities, but progress will require public and private entities to work together.

How Speed Dating Led to Progress on Digital Finance in Tunisia

Despite having all the necessary ingredients for digital financial services to take off, less than four percent of Tunisians use mobile financial services. What does it take to move a market beyond stalemate?

Lessons Learned from the Moroccan Crisis

This Brief outlines lessons learned from the rise, fall, and ongoing recovery of the Moroccan microcredit sector that may be useful when adapted in other countries in similar situations.

Portfolio Reviews: Resource Guide for Funders

This Technical Guide presents the portfolio review as an evaluation method that can help funders learn from what they fund.