Molly Tolzmann

Financial Sector Specialist

Molly Tolzmann has worked in financial inclusion since 2014. Her work at CGAP is focused on coordination, effectiveness, and transparency in funder operations. She leads the CGAP Annual Cross-Border Funder Survey, contributes to CGAP’s funder learning and guidance initiatives, and supports engagement with CGAP’s Council of Governors.

Before joining CGAP, she designed print and digital learning products on savings groups and microfinance associations for the SEEP Network. She has worked on visual ethnographies and conducted qualitative research at an array of global field sites, including the 2008 and 2012 Olympic Games.

Molly has a Master’s degree in Social Sciences from the University of Chicago and a Bachelor’s degree in Global Studies from the University of Minnesota.  

By Molly Tolzmann


Africa Is Top Recipient of Financial Inclusion Funding

For the first time since CGAP began its funder survey, Sub-Saharan Africa in 2019 received more financial inclusion funding than any other region, with $7.6 billion in commitments. But new pressures on development budgets could impact the region.

Investing in Half the Sky: Funders and Women’s Financial Inclusion

To better understand how funders are approaching women’s financial inclusion, CGAP took a fresh look at its 2019 Funder Survey data and conducted a supplemental survey of 30 funders in August 2020.

2019 Trends in International Funding for Financial Inclusion

International funders committed approximately US$52 billion to financial inclusion in 2019, a 12 percent increase from the US$46 billion reported in 2018.

Strengthening Capacity through an Internal Financial Inclusion CoP

How can an organization build internal capacity around a cross-cutting development theme? This case study examines a thriving internal community of practice that is sharing good practices in financial inclusion and strengthening operations across AFD Group.