Yasmin Bin-Humam

Financial Sector Specialist

Yasmin Bin-Humam currently supports CGAP’s project on supply-side gender disaggregated data for financial sector regulators and supervisors. She also leads CGAP’s work stream on the nexus of gender norms and financial sector regulation and supervisory practices, and continues to support institutional change management for CGAP’s application of a gender lens across all CGAP work programs. 

Previously Yasmin launched and managed the FinEquity Community of Practice on women’s financial inclusion, led exploration of women’s participation in informal online commerce, and shepherded CGAP’s initial diagnostics of social norms barriers to women’s financial inclusion. 

Before joining CGAP, Yasmin developed indicators measuring women’s equality under the law for the World Bank’s Women, Business, and the Law project and contributed to publications on legal barriers to women’s economic empowerment. Her previous research includes the historical evolution of labor and family law reform in countries around the world, and she has compiled legislation on banking, nonbank financial institutions, and consumer protection regulations. Her earlier work experience spans the public, private, and nongovernmental sectors.

Yasmin has Juris Doctorate and Master’s degrees from Georgetown University and a Bachelor’s degree in economics from Harvard.

By Yasmin Bin-Humam


New Insights on Women’s Mobile Phone Ownership

New data show that 81 percent of women worldwide own a mobile phone. Although large gender gaps in mobile phone ownership persist in certain countries, mobile phones are more ubiquitous among women than are financial accounts.

Female Smallholders in the Financial Inclusion Agenda

This Brief explores the gender gap in financial inclusion among smallholder families in Tanzania and Mozambique through unique survey data that allow for a nationally representative look at smallholders.

Women’s Financial Empowerment Is the Tide that Can Lift All Boats

Changing gender norms doesn't mean empowering women at the expense of men. When women have a voice in financial decisions, it can benefit the entire household.

How Social Norms Affect Women’s Financial Inclusion

Four in 10 women and girls around the world are excluded from the formal financial system. Restrictive social norms are one major factor that limits women's financial inclusion. Here's why norms matter.

5 Challenges for Women’s Financial Inclusion

From restrictive cultural norms to less access to technology, women around the world face unique challenges in gaining access to formal financial services.