Recent Blogs


West Bengal Teacher Wins CGAP Photo Contest

Sujan’s photo was one of 3,303 submissions to this year’s Photo Contest and one of 27 winners selected by the judging panel.

How Hard Is It to Use Mobile Money as a Rural Bangladeshi Woman?

Women in Bangladesh have one of the lowest rates of mobile money usage in the world. Does the dearth of usage indicate a lack of appropriate products and services? Just how hard is it to use mobile money if you are a rural Bangladeshi woman?

How Juntos Finanzas Engages Customers to Use Digital Finance

There is an engagement gap between customers and providers of financial services: customers lack necessary information and do not fully trust financial service providers. Juntos Finanzas is looking to change this with a new digital solution.

Financial Inclusion Opportunities and Challenges in Tunisia

Financial inclusion is becoming a priority in Tunisia, and the Ministry of Finance aims at modernizing the entire financial sector by 2020. There are many opportunities, but progress will require public and private entities to work together.

Making Mobile Money Accessible in Pakistan

Mobile wallets could have a revolutionary impact on financial inclusion in Pakistan. However, success of this channel hinges on matching the abilities of the end users with appropriately designed products.

Addressing Competition Bottlenecks in Digital Financial Services

For mobile money regulators in developing countries, competition can be a complex balancing act. In particular, there are four areas where competition bottlenecks can occur.

DFS Risk: “When It Works, It’s Great; When It’s Bad, It’s Awful"

Many innovators in digital finance fail to grasp the potential negative implications or risks associated with customers using advanced technologies.

How To Use Games For Financial Education

Positive financial decisionmaking is hard to teach via traditional methods. MindBlown labs is using games to introduce financial concepts that are otherwise dull or confusing.

Pakistan: Is Mobile Money a Viable Alternative to Banking?

There is more to financial inclusion than convenience. In Pakistan, for mobile financial services to maximize their financial inclusion benefits, providers need to offer a wider variety of services.

Shifting to Market System Facilitation Approaches

Shifting to a market systems approach has many practical and operational implications, especially around staffing, relationships, monitoring and evaluation, and coordination. USAID is one organization that is implementing these shifts and is sharing some lessons learned along the way.

Let's Gamify to Empower the Customer!

By improving user experience, engagement, and loyalty, "gamified" financial services apps may have a role in increasing usage by low-income customers

Voice of the Customers: a Two-Way Dialogue in Digital Finance

The relationship between digital finance service providers and their customers is broken. How can the voice of customers be better integrated in digital finance business models?

Vulnerable Households Need Resilient Institutions in Disasters

In Indonesia, MercyCorps is pioneering a program to help MFIs prepare for natural disasters, respond quickly when clients are in need, and stabilize the financial sector serving low-income people post-disaster.

The Promise of Mobile Money in Pakistan

Mobile money - through over the counter services and mobile wallets - is helping to drive financial inclusion in Pakistan.

Do We Need a Financial Inclusion Paradigm Shift?

Shifting to a market systems approach to funding financial inclusion has been a challenge, although effective, for JICA.

False Neutrality: Ensuring Policies and Regulations Benefit Women

It's possible that financial regulations can be crafted in ways to increase and improve the quality of financial inclusion for women.

Interpreting the Financial Inclusion Numbers in Pakistan

Financial inclusion in Pakistan has improved slowly but steadily since 2008 according to most sources. However, depending on the source of data, the topline financial inclusion figure for Pakistan varies from 7% to 23%. Why?

Driving Smallholder Savings through Digital Design in Senegal

After interviewing 65 smallholder farmers and savings groups, CGAP and Dalberg uncovered potential for alternative ways to offer financial services to farmers that go beyond credit.

Making Tough Decisions as a Smallholder Farmer

Smallholders often have to make touch financial choices regarding what to prioritize with limited resources.

Nine Pieces of Guidance for Funders of Financial Inclusion

CGAP's revised guidelines for financial inclusion funders reflect a shift from an institution-building approach to inclusive finance to one that is rooted in the complexities of broader market systems.