Recent Blogs


Surveys Reveal a Path to Responsible Digital Finance in WAEMU

For the first time, there is comprehensive data on digital financial services users in the WAEMU region, and it highlights the need for more responsible digital finance ecosystems. Strengthening consumer protection is crucial.

When is Interoperability Right for Microfinance?

When is interoperability right for microfinance institutions? We draw on interviews with 40 small financial institutions to unpack the complex picture around a universal approach to ensuring all institutions benefit from real-time, digital payments.

Is It Possible to Estimate Financial Stress Before It Harms Borrowers?

A tool piloted by CGAP and 4G Capital reliably measures changes in borrower behavior to detect financial stress. If stress indicators are found to predict future repayment, the tool could also serve as an early warning system for issues like default.

Risk-Based Supervision Is Key to Financial Inclusion in 2020 & Beyond

In developing countries around the world, inadequate supervision risks neutralizing regulatory reforms designed to spark innovation and advance financial inclusion. Here’s what the global development community can do about it.

Deposit Insurance: The Last Line of Defense for E-Money?

Should deposit insurance cover e-money? The answer may not be the same for every country, but here are two lessons that apply across markets.

RegTech and Digital Finance Supervision: A Leap into the Future

Are digital finance supervisors in emerging markets ready to adapt the latest regulatory compliance technologies?

Why Digital Finance Supervisors Should Automate Data Collection

Today’s technology has made it possible for supervisors to collect massive amounts of granular data from financial services providers – but should they? Yes, but only if they automate data collection.

RegTech: Are Supervisors Ready for the Data Revolution?

Technology and data are considered the engine of new financial disruption. FinTech's lesser-known sibling, RegTech, refers to technology that can improve efficiency, consistency, and ease of supervisory processes. What does this revolution look like?

Digital Financial Inclusion Supervision: Tanzania Pilot Program

The world of digital financial inclusion is growing quickly and outpacing capacity and resources to tackle it from a regulatory and supervisory standpoint. In response, CGAP and Toronto Centre piloted the first Digital Financial Inclusion Supervision training program in Tanzania.

Risk-Based Supervision in the Digital Financial Inclusion Era

Lack of supervisory capacity is one of the key challenges facing financial sector supervisors in emerging markets. A risk-based approach to supervision helps to strategically allocate scarce resources and to prioritize interventions according to identified risks.

Supervisor’s Experience with Expanding Agent Networks: 4 Insights

As agent networks expand, they bring great opportunity by facilitating cutting edge digital financial products. But with this expansion comes risk and serious implications for financial supervision.

Branchless Banking in China: Will Regulation Support Innovation?

China's pilot of 500,000 banking agents show significant promise for financial inclusion. Allowing these agents to offer a greater variety of services, such as taking deposits and opening new accounts, could lead to faster growth and more usage.