Timothy Lyman

Lead Financial Sector Specialist

Timothy Lyman was at CGAP until November 2019. During his time, he led CGAP’s work to incorporate consideration of financial inclusion in the work of the global financial sector standard-setting bodies, including as lead Implementing Partner on the work of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion focused on the standard setters.

He co-chaired the works of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision leading to the Committee’s first guidance on a financial inclusion topic in 2010 and currently serves as Vice Chair of the Financial Inclusion Workstream of the Basel Consultative Group—the outreach arm of the Basel Committee. Mr. Lyman serves on the Executive Committee of the Access to Insurance Initiative, Implementation Partner of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors. He has worked on financial inclusion-related policy and regulation and community development for over 30 years, in every region of the world. For much of his career, he was a partner in the law firm of Day, Berry & Howard (now Day Pitney) and served as president of its affiliated philanthropic foundation. From 1994 to 2005, he served as principal outside legal counsel to Save the Children/U.S.

Mr. Lyman has a Law degree from New York University School of Law and a Bachelor’s degree from Harvard University. He speaks French, Spanish, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, and German.

By Timothy Lyman


What is Digital Financial Inclusion and Why Does it Matter?

A new Brief from CGAP aims to provide national and global policy makers with a clear picture of the rapid development of digital financial services for the poor and the need for their attention and informed understanding.

Digital Financial Inclusion

This Brief aims to provide national and global policy makers with a clear picture of the rapid development of digital financial services for the poor and the need for their attention and informed understanding.

New Basel Report Documents Financial Inclusion's Mainstreaming

A new report from the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision reveals the extent to which supervisory and regulatory practices are evolving in response to the emergence of new institutions, financial products and intermediation channels.

The Seismic Implications of Digital Financial Inclusion

Policy makers, regulators, and supervisors in countries where digital financial inclusion is expanding exponentially see the financial inclusion promise clearly. Yet, they are grappling with the fast-changing risk picture.

AML/CFT and Financial Inclusion

This Focus Note provides an overview of recent relevant FATF standards and guidance, highlighting opportunities for financial inclusion-friendly policymaking to fight money laundering and terrorist financing.