Silvia Baur-Yazbeck

Financial Sector Specialist

Silvia Baur-Yazbeck works on the CGAP team that focuses on the role of financial services in supporting climate resilience and adaptation, which aims to understand how vulnerable people manage climate related risks, how financial services support their adaptation and resilience strategies, and what actions financial sector stakeholders can take to make financial inclusion a more effective enabler of climate adaptation and resilience. In addition, it aims to ensure that global progress on financial inclusion does not recede as climate change impacts increase the risk and cost of serving people living in poverty. Currently, Silvia leads CGAP’s effort to identify effective approaches for funders and governments to leverage inclusive finance as a means to achieve climate adaptation and resilience goals and mobilize the private sector in delivering climate-responsive financial services to vulnerable populations. 

Before that, Silvia led CGAP’s work on more modern and recipient-centric approaches to delivering government-to-person payments. The concept of introducing a choice-based payment system emerged from her deep insights into consumer experiences with digital financial services and her work on financial consumer protection regulation. She also worked on understanding and identifying solutions to better manage cyber risks in the financial inclusion sector. Her work included the launch of a stakeholder initiative focused on exchanging good practices, information and learnings and the development of a business plan for regional cybersecurity resource centers. At CGAP, Silvia has taken a specific focus on developing guidance for development funders and policymakers, promoting a more holistic approach in identifying and addressing financial inclusion challenges with a market systems lens. This included deep engagements with financial inclusion funders to assess how well they are set up internally to support financial inclusion and achieve global development goals and research to better understand how gender lens investors can be more effective in supporting women’s financial inclusion and addressing social norms.

Before joining CGAP, Silvia consulted on private sector development and financial inclusion with GOPA Consultants in Germany, the Gesellschaft for International Zusammenarbeit mbH in Ghana, CERISE Microfinance in France, and Oikocredit in Central America. She has a Master’s degree in International Development Studies from Philipps-University in Marburg, Germany. Silvia is fluent in English, Spanish, French and German.

By Silvia Baur-Yazbeck


Regional Centers Can Help Low-Income Countries Build Cyber Resilience

By pooling resources and establishing shared regional cybersecurity centers, low-income countries could better respond to the rising threat of financial cybercrime in developing economies.

Digital Finance: Cybersecurity Requires Deeper Industry Collaboration

Cybercrime poses a significant threat to financial inclusion. Here are two things mobile financial services providers and industry associations must do to make financial services safer and more trustworthy for low-income customers.

Risk Alert: Development Community Support Needed for Cybersecurity

Here are four things the development community can do to improve cybersecurity as digital financial services expand in developing countries.

A New Generation of Government-to-Person Payments Is Emerging

Advances in payment infrastructure are enabling governments to channel payments through multiple providers, giving people greater choice over how to receive payments. This is an important shift with implications for financial services providers, recipients of government payments and financial inclusion.

The Future of G2P Payments: Expanding Customer Choice

There’s a better way to deliver government-to-person (G2P) payments. Modernizing the delivery architecture can increase value for customers, lower government costs and create competition among financial service providers.