Gayatri Murthy

Senior Financial Sector Specialist

Gayatri Murthy leads CGAP’s work on building country-level approaches to improving women’s financial inclusion. Previously she led work on platform worker livelihoods and inclusive fintech. Her work has focused on improving research methods to better understand the lives of low-income people, so that emerging insights better transform policy, private sector and funding. She also specializes in training financial institutions to build customer-centric business models and has trained staff of financial institutions in workshops around the world, including at trainings organized by the Boulder Institute for Microfinance, the Social Performance Task Force, and the Aga Khan Agency for Microfinance.

Before joining CGAP, Gayatri worked for 6 years in market research in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. She began her career at GiveIndia, a platform to promote efficient and effective giving in India.

Gayatri has a Master’s degree in International Communication from the School of International Service at American University in Washington, D.C., and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai, India. She is fluent in Hindi

By Gayatri Murthy


What Most Providers Don’t Realize About Microentrepreneurs

Conventional measures of creditworthiness paint an incomplete — even misleading — picture of microbusiness owners, whose success often hinges on strong local networks and unconventional business strategies.

India’s Latest Advances in Financial Inclusion: A Day in Royyuru

See how India’s Aadhaar-enabled payments system is making digital payments easy and convenient in the village of Royyuru.

Want to Improve Customer Experience? Here’s Your Playbook

A delightful customer experience–rooted in a deep understanding of customer needs–is key for any FSP looking to increase use of services among low-income customers. Where to start, and how to do it effectively? A new Customer Experience Playbook offers insights.

5 Ways to Improve Customer Experience for the Poor

CGAP offers five insights on improving customer experience for the poor, in ways that are game-changing, yet profitable.

Can a Good Customer Experience for the Poor Benefit Business?

Is it important that financial service providers (FSPs) provide a good customer experience when serving poor, underbanked customers? Evidence says "yes," but this is often overlooked by FSPs.