Displaying 101 - 110 of 258

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Money, Decisions, and Control

Advances in digital technologies and the increased availability of data can be used to support low-income customers to do more than make payments. These advances can help them to make financial decisions and develop strategies to manage their finances.

CGAP Smallholder Household Surveys: Côte d’Ivoire User Guide

This paper presents the research methodology for "National Survey and Segmentation of Smallholder Households in Côte d’Ivoire."

Crowdfunding in China: The Financial Inclusion Dimension

Last year, peer-to-peer (P2P) lending in China surpassed the US$100 billion threshold and confirmed China as the world’s largest P2P lending market, leaving North America a distant second. This tremendous growth was driven by a mix of circumstances.

CGAP Smallholder Household Surveys: Bangladesh User Guide

This Data Set User's Guide provides information on the methodology used for the 2016 CGAP Smallholder Household Surveys in Bangladesh.

Digital Finance and Sustainable Water Service for All

This Brief on digital finance in the water sector looks at how people currently access water service, and finds that it varies from urban to peri-urban to rural areas.

Digitizing Value Chain Finance for Smallholder Farmers

The digitization of value chain finance—financial services that flow to or through any point in a value chain—is changing the way smallholders access the financial tools necessary to invest in their farms, manage risk, and transact with markets. CGAP explores opportunities and emerging models in digital value chain finance.

Digital Rails

Get a more detailed introduction to open APIs — what they are and how they can unlock innovation in digital financial services ecosystems — in this e-book.

Fraud in Mobile Financial Services

Mobile financial services (MFS) have rapidly become a conduit for fraud and other criminal activity. Various fraud types have been noted in key MFS markets, including consumer-facing fraud from agents and third parties and fraud perpetrated against agents.
Reading Deck

Financial Services Apps in India

Smartphone applications offer a powerful tool for financial service providers to offer services to their customers—if done right. CGAP reviewed six smartphone apps currently available in India to find out what design elements are essential to fully deliver on the promise of marrying a financial service with a smartphone interface.