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Case Study: Mobile Money-Based Government-to-Person Payments in Haiti

This case study discusses the design and implementation of the Ti Manman Cheri conditional cash transfer program in Haiti as well as the experiences of stakeholders and overall lessons learned from this program.

Case Study: E-Payments in Uganda with Limited Infrastructure

This case study tracks the design and implementation of the SAGE social transfer program in Uganda, highlights the experiences of various stakeholders and explains lessons learned.

Case Study: Shifting Food Assistance in Kenya to E-Payments

This case study discusses the program elements of the World Food Programme’s Cash for Assets pilot in Kenya, as well as the design and

Bitcoin Versus Electronic Money

This Brief provides information about Bitcoin and contrasts Bitcoin with e-money to avoid alarm about the former to the detriment of the latter.

Interoperability in Electronic Payments: Lessons and Opportunities

This report looks at the question of interoperability in payments systems in general, and attempts to derive reasons for the successes and failures of interoperability in the past.

The Power of Social Networks to Drive Mobile Money Adoption

The rate of mobile money (MM) adoption among poor people remains low. However, the mechanisms driving adoption are similar to those of other segments. This analysis revealed that social networks and social interactions influence mobile money uptake.

Incentives for the Introduction of Agents in Colombia

In August 2006, 309 out of 1,100 municipalities in Colombia did not have the presence of a bank. Today 99% of all municipalities have access to financial services thanks to increased coverage by agents. Incentives offered by Banca de las Oportunidades were essential in expanding this access.

An Overview of the G2P Payments Sector in Pakistan

Pakistan is becoming a laboratory for G2P payment innovations. This report by CGAP discusses the G2P payments sector in Pakistan and demonstrates how social transfers can help bring poor people into the formal financial system.

Social Cash Transfers and Financial Inclusion

This Focus Note analyzes the profitability, affordability and use of electronic social cash transfers in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and South Africa. By the end of 2012, it is expected that in the countries studied, only a small minority of G2P recipients will still be paid in cash.