Displaying 421 - 430 of 705

All Publications


Financial Inclusion in China

This paper aims to be a first step in providing a picture of the extent and nature of financial inclusion in the People's Republic of China and the size and characteristics of the unbanked and underbanked market.

Emerging Perspectives on Youth Savings

This Focus Note examines the role of finance in the lives of low-income youth in developing countries.

Supervising Nonbank E-Money Issuers

This Brief addresses the supervision of e-money issuing activities of nonbank e-money issuers.

Financing Small Enterprises

This Focus Note examines the experience and role of MFIs in serving small enterprises.

A New Look at Microfinance Apexes

This paper reviews recent experience with apex facilities that support institutions delivering retail financial services to poor and low-income clients.

Microfinance Banana Skins 2012

The latest Microfinance Banana Skins ranks the risk perceptions of practitioners and observers of the microfinance sector. Responses this year focused on microfinance institutions' ability to adapt and manage a sound business in such a fast-growing environment.

Can Digital Footprints Lead to Greater Financial Inclusion?

This Brief highlights some early experience on the potential of digital footprints from mobile phone use.

Interoperability and the Pathways Towards Inclusive Retail Payments in Pakistan

Interoperability of retail payment instruments is not an objective in its own right; rather it is a means of achieving other desirable objectives.