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All Publications


Realizing the Potential of Branchless Banking: Challenges Ahead

Being able to make payments conveniently and securely is an essential ingredient in modern life and commerce.

Rural Connectivity Options for Microfinance Institutions

This paper informs information technology managers at rural MFIs about technology options available to them, with a focus on access bearer technologies.

Islamic Microfinance: An Emerging Market Niche

Islamic microfinance represents the confluence of two rapidly growing industries: microfinance and Islamic finance.

Variations in Microcredit Interest Rates

This Brief provides examples that show that the reasons for differences in interest rates can be manifold and often tend to be highly country specific.

Banking on Mobiles: Why, How, for Whom?

With a few exceptions, the road to implementing mobile banking is littered with discontinued mobile banking projects, failed new technology vendors, and shelved deployment plans.

CGAP Glossary of Microfinance Terms English to Chinese

A glossary of microfinance terms translated from English to Chinese.

National Microfinance Strategies

This Brief summarizes a study of several national microfinance strategy/policy documents.

CGAP Glossary of Microfinance Terms English to Russian

A glossary of microfinance terms translated from English to Russian.

Transforming NGO MFIs: Critical Ownership Issues to Consider

This publication provides insights and guidance for nonprofit microfinance institutions that plan to transform into a for-profit company. Thus the paper’s discussion of issues is likely more detailed and technical than most general readers will care to wade through. At the same time, this is not a “how to” manual nor does it identify right and wrong answers.

Country-Level Savings Assessment Tool

This Technical Guide explains the areas of analysis covered in a CLSA, the methodology used, and how the CLSA can be tailored to meet the needs of the commissioning agency.