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Use of Agents in Branchless Banking for the Poor

For poor people, “branchless banking” through retail agents may be far more convenient and efficient than going to a bank branch.

Safe and Accessible: Bringing Poor Savers Into the Financial System

Despite significant evidence to the contrary, many financial institution managers and policy makers do not believe poor people save money. They tend to assume that poor people are “too poor to save,” that they prefer to consume rather than save excess income, or that when they do save it is only to access a loan.

Supporting Community-Managed Loan Funds

This Brief gives a quick overview of community-managed loan funds.

Community-Managed Loan Funds: Which Ones Work?

This Focus Note presents conclusions from a performance review of dozens of CMLF projects established or supported by donors and international nongovernment organizations (NGOs) over the past 15 years. It turns out that success is strongly linked to the source of funding for the loans group members receive.

Aid Effectiveness in Microfinance

How effective have aid agencies been in their support to microfinance institutions (MFIs)?

AML/CFT Regulations: Balancing Security with Access

This Brief addresses anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism as it relates to microfinance.

Using Technology to Build Inclusive Financial Systems

Innovative use of information and communications technologies to inexpensively process a large volume of small transactions and deliver a wide range of financial services may help to make microfinance institutions (MFIs) more efficient and commercial banks more interested in serving poor people.

Mobile Phones for Microfinance

This Brief addresses new research on the use of mobile phone banking.

Competition and Microcredit Interest Rates

In many countries, including Uganda, Bangladesh, and Bolivia, microfinance has become more competitive in recent years. Competition is generally expected to benefit consumers by offering a wider choice of appropriate products and providers, better service, and lower prices.

Graduating the Poorest into Microfinance:

Microfinance—or formal financial services for the poor—helps people fight poverty on their own terms, in a sustainable way.