Pablo García Arabéhéty

Pablo García Arabéhéty formerly worked at CGAP as was the Regional Representative for Latin America & the Caribbean. He worked in the intersection of mobile technologies, business model innovation and development, specializing in mobile enabled financial services for lower income people as well as on the economics and governance of network sharing. During the last 10 years he has collaborated in research and implementation projects with international organizations and development banks, in addition to start-ups, SMEs and Fortune 1000 companies.

By Pablo García Arabéhéty


Colombia’s Recipe for 100% Agent Coverage: Aggregation & Sharing

Universal coverage is a fundamental building block toward universal financial access. Last year Colombia announced that all of its 1,100+ municipalities had at least one banking agent serving customers in need of financial services. How did Colombia do it?

Small Business Finance and Financial Inclusion in Latin America

Limited acceptance of digital payments and high fees associated with using such services are two obstacles to greater financial inclusion in Latin American countries. Can these issues be solved at the retailer level, rather than the individual level?

Cashless & Cashy: The Yin-Yang of Digital Delivery in Peru

When it comes to delivering financial services to lower income segments in Peru, innovators have struck an interesting balance between cashless and cashy transactions.

Driving Scale and Density of Agent Networks in Perú

Beyond banking, mobile networks also use agents to sell airtime and offer other payments services. In 2005 Perú enacted agent banking rules, and since then a number of players and models have emerged.

More on Why OTC Makes Sense for Kenya

Cashless goals are too focused on designing products that make people want to switch to e-money, even though most still prefer cash.