Blog Series

International Remittances through Branchless Banking, 2013 Update

Despite a number of challenges identified by operators and experts, the industry seems to be attracting more international remittance volumes, resulting in eventual financial inclusion benefits for the poor in developing countries. The total number…

Introducing Digital Finance Plus

Digital Finance “plus” is the use of mobile money and branchless banking to make basic, essential services and utilities - in energy, health, education, and water, for example - more accessible to people at the base of the economic pyramid. Here…

M-Shwari: What We Know So Far

M-Shwari, a mobile savings and loan product established by CBA in Kenya, is taking the digital credit world by storm. Here is what we know so far about this innovative product.

Making Client Protection Principles The Norm

In January 2013, the Smart Campaign launched the much-anticipated Client Protection Certification Program, an independent, third party evaluation to publicly recognize financial institutions that meet adequate standards of care in how they…

Measuring Impact and Market Development

Access to financial services alone will not ensure poverty reduction or economic growth. With this in mind, there is a new appreciation for a market systems development approach to financial inclusion.

Micro- and Small Enterprises

This series focuses on informal micro- and small enterprises (MSEs) featuring both CGAP and external contributors. Our goals are to draw attention to this huge underserved market segment, foster discussion around access to finance issues and…

Microinsurance: Key to Managing Risk

Insurance coverage is dramatically expanding with millions of more low-income households accessing better services and innovative products. This series will share recent practices and emerging ideas that have advanced the field. Featuring key…

Mobile Merchant Payments in 2015: What's Needed for Success?

This blog series explores mobile merchant payments in developing markets, which have great potential but will require stronger value propositions to customers and merchants alike. In order to really take off, merchant payments will require the build…

Mobile Money: A Driver of Financial Inclusion in Pakistan

This blog series explores the financial inclusion landscape of Pakistan and its linkages with the mobile money services industry. Based on the premise that mobile wallets have the potential to drive financial inclusion far beyond what traditional…

New Direction for Funders

The increasing role of the private sector in serving the poor and financially excluded as well as advances in technology and new business models serving the bottom of the pyramid are strengthening the potential for advances in financial inclusion.…

Platform Economy: What It Means for Financial Inclusion

Super platforms like Google, Facebook, and Ant Financial have been making inroads in financial services sectors around the world. In China, the rapid growth of Alipay and WeChat Pay has transformed the digital finance ecosystem. It now looks certain…

Postal Networks: a Physical Link to the Digital Economy

This series takes a closer look at a recent report from the United States Postal Service which states it might use its deep postal infrastructure to expand financial services to the poor. Contributors highlight key lessons from the developing world…

Putting Customer Insights to Work

The CGAP Customers at the Center Financial Inclusion Research Fund, in partnership with The MasterCard Foundation, awarded funds to five organizations to power projects aimed at better understanding un- and under-banked customers. Freedom from…

Reaching Small and Marginal Farmers Through Innovative Finance

This series will feature ideas and innovations focused on enabling financial services for agri-dependent households. Practitioners, researchers and thought leaders will explore the role of markets, public and private partnerships, client…

Regional Reflections on Financial Inclusion in 2012

CGAP's regional teams provide commentary on the highlights in financial inclusion across MENA, South Asia, Latin America, East Asia, Eastern Europe, and Sub-Saharan Africa. Each region has its own unique issues in the financial inclusion landscape,…

Responsible Digital Finance

With the rapid adoption of digital financial services, this series focuses on how to foster a more responsible ecosystem through examining the biggest consumer risks, promising mitigation efforts and latest evidence and data on the issue.

Risks and Opportunities of Digital Finance

Low-income consumers stand to benefit greatly from more accessible and affordable digital financial services (DFS) offerings. But, the opportunities presented by DFS are not without risks, especially when it comes to serving lower-income and less-…

Taking a Look at OTC vs. Wallets

This series will examine the business decisions involved when weighing over-the-counter transactions (IOTC) with electronic wallets when it comes to making mobile payments. OTC transactions occur when the sender or receiver does not use their own…

The Global Landscape of Mobile Microinsurance

Over the last three years, there has been a rapid increase in the number of mobile microinsurance products launched worldwide. This growth reflects the emergence of new business models and of non-traditional players keen on innovating through new…

The Graduation Approach: Innovative Adaptations

Pioneered by BRAC in Bangladesh, the Graduation Approach aims to move people out of extreme poverty and into sustainable livelihoods. The Approach emphasizes innovation, rigorous evaluation and knowledge exchange. The blogs in this series describe…