Blog Series

The Arab World and Financial Inclusion During Crises

Many donors and investors focusing on financial inclusion in the Arab World are considering how to adjust or adapt their work given the level of crisis in the region. This blog series share insights from organizations working in this situation, who…

Spotlight on Sub-Saharan Africa

In the coming weeks we will share with you insights into financial inclusion developments in Sub-Saharan Africa, as we learn more about consumer insights, product development, business models and the enabling policy environment required to improve…

SKS IPO 2010

This is a special blog series on the SKS IPO. Over the coming weeks we’ll be featuring a variety of voices on the issues raised by the IPO. 

Sharia-Compliant Financial Services: Challenges and Opportunities

Islamic microfinance is undoubtedly gaining momentum. But despite the doubling of Sharia-compliant microfinance providers since 2006 and the rapid increase in the number of their customers, Islamic microfinance is still dominated by a handful of…

Reaching the Poorest

The CGAP-Ford Foundation Graduation Program is a global effort to understand how a series of sequenced interventions - safety nets, livelihoods and access to finance -- can create sustainable pathways out of poverty for the extreme poor. Blogs in…

Randomized Trials and Product Design 2011

Near the end of 2011, CGAP published a paper, "Latest Findings from Randomized Evaluations of Microfinance," which summarized empirical evidence from randomized trials that evaluated the impact of microfinance. Many of these studies revealed that…

Putting Impact Research Into Practice

This blog series focuses on ways in which academic research findings have been used by practitioners and policy makers to increase financial inclusion.

Merchant Payments: How to Unlock the Space

Merchant payments are emerging as an increasing priority for digital financial services providers across emerging markets. The retail space holds the promise of new potential revenue streams, deepened customer engagement and vastly increased…

Market Facilitation: What’s Working and Why?

Despite its acceptance as an important tool in development, market facilitation still lacks sufficient research on how it can be done best and under what conditions, particularly for financial markets. This blog series builds off of a series of case…

Lessons on Leadership and Customer Centricity

Putting customers at the center of your business is smart business for financial service providers who serve low-income customers. Hear from leaders who have done it, in this video blog series featuring speakers from the inaugural CGAP Leadership…

Lessons from G2P E-Payments in Uganda, the Philippines, Kenya and Haiti

In an effort to get a fuller picture of the evidence base for social cash transfers, e-payments, and financial inclusion, CGAP commissioned Bankable Frontier Associates, on behalf of The Better than Cash Alliance and with support from DFID, to…

International Remittances & Branchless Banking

A blog series on international remittances through mobile banking channels.

Inclusive Insurance

In this series, three pioneering insurance supervisors from Ghana, Pakistan and South Africa share their experiences regulating inclusive insurance vis-à-vis the work of the A2ii and the IAIS.

Human-Centered Design for Smallholder Families

Despite ongoing efforts to serve the world’s 450 million smallholder households—the largest client segment by livelihood of those living under $2 a day—little is known about their financial needs and desires. That is why we believe that a human-…

How to Handle Consumer Complaints from the Base of the Economic Pyramid.

Investing in recourse and complaints-handling systems that serve low-income consumers can advance and reinforce responsible financial inclusion, according to the CGAP report, "Making Recourse Work for Base of the Pyramid Financial Consumers." This…

Global Financial Inclusion Database (Global Findex)

This blog series coincides with the release of comparable cross-country demand-side data on how the world’s poor save, borrow, make payments, and manage risk. The World Bank’s Development Research Group, with a 10-year grant from the Bill…

Events in Andhra Pradesh 2010

This kicks off a special blog series on the microfinance crisis in Andhra Pradesh, India. 

Digitizing Person-to-Government Payments: Global Landscape in 2016

At an estimated USD $8 trillion across the globe and USD $375 billion in low-and lower-middle-income countries alone, person-to-government (P2G) payments make up a significant part of the payments landscape. Digitizing these payments brings benefits…

Digital Finance for Smallholder Farmers

In conjunction with the focus note "Serving Smallholder Farmers: Recent Developments in Digital Finance," CGAP asked experts who use digital channels to improve smallholder access to financial services for an inside look at how their work is…