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International Funding for Financial Inclusion in 2019: Global Data

Data snapshots are available at the global and regional levels. The 2019 CGAP Funder Survey reports funding commitments from 54 international funders, both public and private, as of the end of 2019.

Funding Explorer: Interactive Data for 2019 CGAP Funder Survey

The Funding Explorer is a set of highly interactive analytical dashboards. This tool uses data from the CGAP Funder Survey complemented by publicly available contextual indicators

Crisis Roadmap for Microfinance Institutions: COVID-19 and Beyond

This practical guide describes steps that microfinance institutions can take to navigate the COVID-19 health pandemic and prepare for future crises.

Building Faster Better: A Guide to Inclusive Instant Payment Systems

Interoperability can make digital payments more convenient for customers and encourage competition in financial services. This technical guide is a practical resource for policy makers, providers, and others working toward interoperability in instant payments.

Interoperability and Digital Finance: Emerging Guidance for Funders

This technical note helps funders to understand the concept of interoperability, how instant payments systems can advance financial inclusion, and what funders can do to support their development.

Agent Network Journeys Toward the Last Mile: A Cross-Country Perspective

CGAP's analysis reveals three distinct journeys country stakeholders have taken to extend the reach and quality of rural agent networks.
COVID-19 Briefing

Debt Relief in the Pandemic: Lessons from India, Peru, and Uganda

The widespread use of debt moratoria in response to the COVID-19 health and economic emergencies has succeeded in stabilizing financial systems and given borrowers all over the world immediate, if temporary, relief. This Briefing examines how the debt moratoria unfolded in India, Peru and Uganda.

A Research and Learning Agenda for the Impact of Financial Inclusion

The financial inclusion community is renewing its efforts to understand the role financial services play in the lives of poor people and how financial services can improve their well-being. This paper proposes a learning agenda based on extensive consultation with donors, researchers, and practitioners who support financial inclusion.

Eko Grows Agent Network Tenfold Through Open APIs

Eko India has used open APIs to become a platform business, which has enabled it to expand at considerably lower operational cost than its traditional agent business would have.

Designing Data Initiatives to Advance Financial Inclusion

Donors and DFIs are looking for ways to leverage the potential of data to achieve financial inclusion impact. Yet, evidence shows that the availability and quality of data doesn’t automatically translate to impact.