Recent Blogs


RegTech and Digital Finance Supervision: A Leap into the Future

Are digital finance supervisors in emerging markets ready to adapt the latest regulatory compliance technologies?

What Can Mobile Money Make Possible? China Has Many Answers

What's the secret to Alipay and WeChat Pay's success in mobile payments? Creating in-app universes of bundled services has played a big role by making mobile payments more useful to customers.

Financial Inclusion in 2018: BigTech Hits Its Stride

CGAP CEO Greta Bull explores how large platform players like Google, Facebook and Ant Financial are likely to shape financial inclusion in 2018.

Why Digital Finance Supervisors Should Automate Data Collection

Today’s technology has made it possible for supervisors to collect massive amounts of granular data from financial services providers – but should they? Yes, but only if they automate data collection.

5 Highlights in Financial Inclusion Funding

Funder commitments to financial inclusion reached a historic high of $37 billion in 2016. See what else the latest CGAP funder survey reveals.

Can Uganda Reduce Financial Exclusion to 5% in 5 Years?

Here's what you need to know about Uganda's new financial inclusion strategy, which aims to cut financial exclusion from 15 to 5 percent by 2022.

When Savings Aren’t Enough: How Low-Income Bangladeshis Use Loans

Today, some 25 million Bangladeshis borrow from microfinance institutions. Financial diaries from central Bangladesh show how poor people are using their loans, from coping with emergencies to on-lending to others.

A Digital Finance Prescription for Universal Health Coverage

Digital finance is just beginning to realize its potential in the health care sector. Take a look at some early examples of how digital financial services are contributing to the goal of universal health coverage.

Water, Water Everywhere, Costs More Than You Might Think

Digitized water credit can help poor families overcome the often high upfront costs of connecting to safe water and sanitation systems, helping them to lead healthier lives.

A Six-Ingredient Recipe for Data Protection

While data breaches in high-income countries dominate the news, data protection is also emerging as a major issue in lower-income countries. Here are six key questions to ask when evaluating a country’s legal protections for its citizens’ personal data.

Inside QR Codes: How Black & White Dots Simplify Digital Payments

QR codes last year facilitated $2.5 trillion in retail payments in China, and their use is gaining momentum in countries like India. But how do they work? And what is their potential to increase financial inclusion?

How Can Pay-as-You-Go Solar Work for Poor People?

Averaging $0.40 a day, pay-as-you-go solar energy is affordable for many people — but not everyone. We looked at the costs and benefits of several tactics providers have used to make solar affordable for low-income households.

Better Regulations Can Spur Agent Banking in WAEMU

Regulations in the West African Economic and Monetary Union have enabled mobile money providers to double their agent networks since 2014, while restricting banks and microfinance institutions. Better regulations would create a level playing field and expand financial inclusion.

Rules of the Road: Interoperability and Governance

Payment schemes like Visa and Mastercard emerged from banks agreeing to the terms needed to safely and efficiently exchange payments. What rules should digital payments providers follow?

Interoperability and Customer Value

Interoperability makes it possible for customers to transact freely without compatibility issues, but its benefits don't end there. Here are three ways interoperability can advance financial inclusion.

Who Are Kenya’s Financially Excluded?

In Kenya, where nearly everyone knows about mobile money and a majority live within walking distance of an agent, why do nearly 2 in 10 adults lack access to formal financial services? And what can be done to reach them?

Keeping the Lights On: Repayment Challenges in PAYGo Solar

Research in Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania reveals some of the top reasons pay-as-you-go solar borrowers stop repaying their loans.

Benefits and Burdens of Digital Retail Payments

Payments providers in emerging markets could earn billions if more merchants start accepting digital payments. But what are the opportunities for poor customers?

What Should We Realistically Expect from Regulatory Sandboxes?

Just how far could regulatory sandboxes go toward spurring financial innovations in low-income countries?

How Developing Countries Can Prevent Their Own Equifax Breach

The Equifax data breach that exposed 145 million people's personal information holds two big lessons for developing countries: avoid centralized databases and let consumers control their own data.