Recent Blogs


Catalyzing Women’s Financial Inclusion: The Role of Data

For governments, the collection of sex-disaggregated data begins
 a virtuous cycle, where its availability informs stronger, evidence-based policymaking and helps regulators evaluate the effectiveness of policies intended to promote financial inclusion.

The Graduation Approach Works: Now how do we Reach Scale?

Over half of 40 new Graduation projects are being implemented by governments. Some are adjusting the approach or integrating technology to make it more efficient and easier to scale.

20 Years of Financial Inclusion in East Africa: 4 Major Shifts

Four major shifts have occurred in East Africa's financial services landscape over the past two decades.

20 Years of Financial Inclusion Progress in WAEMU; More to Come!

Much has changed in the financial inclusion landscape of the WAEMU region over the last 20 years. Most importantly, it has shifted from primarily offering informal microfinance services to fully regulated and diversified financial institutions.

Six Takeaways from Rwanda’s Financial Inclusion Insights Survey

Even though Rwanda has low rates of technical literacy and handset usage, digital financial services have reached the same levels of active usage as Ghana, which has a much more "mobile-ready" population.

In Ghana, DFS Helps Spur 41% Increase in Financial Inclusion

The digital financial services sector in Ghana is changing for the better, and mobile financial services are finally breaking through in the country.

New Data Finds Mobile Money "On the Cusp" in Rwanda and Ghana

New data provides the most comprehensive picture yet of digital financial services (DFS) access and usage in Ghana and Rwanda.

Youth Programs as a Path to Financial Inclusion in South Africa

An interview with Mmapula Portia Kekana, Director for Employment Assistance at South Africa’s National Department of Social Development, which strives to link social welfare recipients to poverty alleviation programs and economic opportunities.

Crowdsourcing at Work: Mapping Financial Access in Uganda

Dynamic, rapidly changing agent networks translate to a need for sophisticate, real-time location data and analysis tools. The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team is initiating a pilot program in Uganda to crowdsource data on financial services available in Uganda.

The Graduation Approach: What’s Next on the Research Agenda?

Results from an in-depth impact study on the Graduation Approach were strong. As Graduation programs are scaled up in India, Ethiopia, Pakistan, and elsewhere, what should researchers study next?

Digital Finance and Illiteracy: Four Critical Risks

Illiteracy is still a global problem, and most financial services are not designed for illiterate customers. The Helix Institute is working with financial service providers to help develop products and services that can work better for those who cannot read.

How Absa Bank Empowered its Customers through Games

A case study from Absa Bank in South Africa demonstrates how games can help empower their customers and encourage them to use mobile financial services.

M-Pawa 1 Year on: Mobile Banking Perceptions, Use in Tanzania

A year after the launch of M-Pawa, how are Tanzania's farmers using the savings and loan service? What improvements could lead to more uptake?

Cashless Nigeria: Facilitating the Transition to Digital Payments

The Better than Cash Alliance released two studies covering Nigeria's journey from cash to digital payments. Digital payments are passing a tipping point in Nigeria's corporate sector, with 61% of salaries from large companies paid electronically.

Driving Smallholder Savings through Digital Design in Senegal

After interviewing 65 smallholder farmers and savings groups, CGAP and Dalberg uncovered potential for alternative ways to offer financial services to farmers that go beyond credit.

Making Tough Decisions as a Smallholder Farmer

Smallholders often have to make touch financial choices regarding what to prioritize with limited resources.

3 Insights on Customer Empowerment from Côte d’Ivoire

In Côte d’Ivoire, societal values and personal relationships have a high degree of influence over how people choose financial service providers.

Partnership: Missing Ingredient to Mobile Money APIs

Open APIs bring the promise of expanding the reach and benefits of financial services for the unbanked. But there remain no real examples of widely adopted open APIs for mobile money.

The Smallholder Lens: Financial Success, Struggle in Mozambique

Photos from smallholder families in Mozambique tell the human story behind the data on the unique challenges the world's 475 million smallholder families face.

Lessons on Leadership: Turning Banking Upside Down

Financial service providers shouldn't try to be all things to all customers, says Brian Richardson, founding director and CEO of South Africa-based WIZZIT. Watch the video interview for insights on how financial service providers can become more customer-centric.