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Inclusive Finance in Fragile Countries: Advancing a Vital Agenda

With 80% of the world’s poorest expected to be living in fragile countries by 2030, fighting poverty means addressing fragility. Though often overlooked, underdeveloped financial systems and financial exclusion are key aspects of fragility.

Considering Open APIs for Digital Finance? 5 Things You Need to Know

APIs are at the heart of many innovations in fintech. Over the past four years, CGAP has supported several financial services providers on their journey to open APIs. Here are our top five lessons for providers that are thinking about opening APIs.

Two Sides, One Coin: Credit Risk Management and Consumer Protection

For companies that offer asset financing for everything from solar panels to bicycles, consumer protection measures aren't just good for customers; they can also help companies to manage credit risk and improve their loan portfolios.

How a New Set of Metrics Is Poised to Transform PAYGo Solar

The PAYGo PERFORM Key Performance Indicators offer a pathway to growth and maturity for the off-grid solar industry.

Channeling Women’s Potential to Strengthen Last-Mile Agent Networks

In analyzing how to extend the reach and quality of rural cash in/cash out agent networks, we have come to realize that it is critical to apply a gender lens to identify key barriers for women. Here are three basic steps to do so.

Africa Is Top Recipient of Financial Inclusion Funding

For the first time since CGAP began its funder survey, Sub-Saharan Africa in 2019 received more financial inclusion funding than any other region, with $7.6 billion in commitments. But new pressures on development budgets could impact the region.

3 Lessons for Building Resilience Through Customer Centricity

A COVID-19 initiative to help Albanian smallholders acquire fertilizers, seeds and other agri-inputs using digital payments yields lessons in customer centricity.

Investing in Half the Sky: Funders and Women’s Financial Inclusion

To better understand how funders are approaching women’s financial inclusion, CGAP took a fresh look at its 2019 Funder Survey data and conducted a supplemental survey of 30 funders in August 2020.

How Are Funders Looking to Add Value in Digital Financial Inclusion?

The latest CGAP Funder Survey shows that less than half of development funding for digital financial inclusion goes to digital financial services (DFS) providers. Much of the funding instead goes toward building a DFS ecosystem.

Digitally Included, Yet Poor: What Do Their Data Trails Tell Us?

Many people who generate significant amounts of digital data are poor. Who are they? What sort of data are they generating? And how can it be used to make financial services more useful to them?

Time Is Money: Financial Services Can Help Rural Women Save More of It

Time poverty prevents many rural women from pursuing educational or income-generating opportunities. Here are three ways financial services can help alleviate time poverty among rural women.

Is Financial Inclusion a Reason to Push Central Bank Digital Currencies?

Advocates of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) often cite financial inclusion as a reason to introduce them. CGAP examines their three main arguments: improved access to digital financial services, enhanced efficiency of payments and lower cost.

How Can Financial Services Support Platform Workers?

The important question about platform work isn’t so much whether it is good or bad: it’s whether there are ways to make it better. Here are three reasons why CGAP is looking at how financial services could help improve platform workers' livelihoods.

The Social Impact Credit Trap in Asset Finance

Rapid growth in credit sectors, even if motivated by a desire for social impact, can lead to overindebted customers and insolvent lenders. For funders, it is important to recognize that investing in asset finance is investing in risk management.

How Are Fintechs Tackling the Arab World’s $123B SME Finance Gap?

Small and medium businesses are vital to the Arab world’s economic growth but face a massive financing gap. CGAP finds that only 5% of fintechs offer financing to these businesses today. Here are some that do.

Last-Mile Consumer Finance: Embracing Opportunity, Managing Risk

Last-mile distributors around the world are working to increase low-income households' access to solar systems, cookstoves, water purifiers and other important assets. Many offer financing to customers. How are they managing credit risk?

Does PAYGo Solar Improve Women’s Lives? A Look at the Evidence

Pay-as-you-go (PAYGo) solar financing has electrified the homes of more than 100 million people. What does the available evidence say about its impact on women?

How Peru Is Elevating the Collective Consumer Voice

The steps Peru has taken to ensure consumers have a strong voice in financial consumer protection regulation may be instructive for other countries working to protect vulnerable consumers.

Exploring Innovative Financial Services for Rural Women’s Livelihoods

CGAP's research points to two areas where innovations in financial services can help women with rural and agricultural livelihoods increase their incomes: returns to labor and access to markets.

The Benefits of G2P Choice: Zambia Leads the Way

In 2017, Zambia introduced a government-to-person (G2P) payments model that lets beneficiaries choose the provider they want to use to receive their payment. Today, the benefits to the recipients, providers and government are clear.